About the Center

The Centre for Communication Research was founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science at the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 . The center was initially funded by the University, supplemented with external grants from such sources as the Research Grants Committee of Hong Kong, Google, and the Taipei City Government. The core members are at the forefront of research and publication in International Communication, Media Effects, New Media, Communication for Social Change, and Political Economy of the Media. Closely affiliated with the Department of Media and Communication, the Centre has collaborated with a wide network of interdisciplinary scholars from around the world.

Prof. Yu-li LIU, Dr. Joe HE, and the TO staff of COM paid a visit to Phoenix Satellite Television Station

Professor Yu-li Liu, Dr. Joe He, and the TO staff of COM visited the Phoenix Satellite Television Station to consolidate the mutual strategic collaboration on 27 April.     Prof. Liu and Dr. He met with Mr. Lu Ningsi, Executive Chief Editor of the Infonews Channel of the Phoenix Satellite Television Station, and discussed further collaborative projects,

Dr. Chia, Dr. Kobayashi and Dr. Shen funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (Special Round)

Three COM faculty members received funding from the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round) hosted by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office. The special round PPR is set up to “identifying the underlying causes and recommending solutions to address the deep-seated problems of Hong Kong society through conducting evidence-based policy research.” (https://www.pico.gov.hk/en/PRFS/specialRound.html) Dr.