Distinguished Lecture on Media Systems

Eleven mainland scholars who had each spent a month at the City University of Hong Kong as visiting scholars under the Program for Young Scholars from the Mainland, organized their first gathering in Shenzhen after the CCF convention. Dr Zhou He, Dr Mike Yao, Professor Chin-Chuan Lee, and former CCR Visiting Scholar Professor Huang Dan (Fudan University) also attended. The second gathering will be held in Wuhan next summer. In the past two years 22 mainland scholars from 10 major universities have participated in this program. This year’s application, now in the third year, will begin soon, with October 15 as the deadline. CCR is a co-sponsor, and Dr Francis Lee is the program officer.
List of Young Scholars from the Mainland >>

Professor Chin-Chuan Lee was interviewed by Radio Television Hong Kong for his views on the status of press freedom since the handover. The television program, Chuanmei Chunqiu (Media Perspectives), was broadcast on August 19.

Professor Chin-Chuan Lee and Dr Zhou He won the Intercultural Communication Top Paper in the 56th annual conference of the International Communication Association held in Dresden, Germany from June 19 to 23. Their paper is entitled, “Party Publicity Inc. Conglomerated: the case of the Shenzhen Press Group.” Meanwhile Dr Mike Yao won the ICA’s Games Studies Top Paper. His co-authored paper is entitled, “Sexual Priming, Gender Stereotyping, and Likelihood to Sexually Harass: examining the effects of plying a sexually explicit video game.” 

Dr John Erni won the top paper award in the Communication Law and Policy Division of the International Communication Association held in Dresden, Germany. His paper is entitled, “War Incendiary Media and International Human Rights Law”.

Dr John Erni and Professor Chin-Chuan Lee were invited to attend a conference “Re-orienting Global Communication: India and China beyond Borders” at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from April 21 to 22, 2006. Dr Erni’s paper is entitled, “Globalization, Commodity Enchantment, and Harry Potter in Urban China,” whereas Professor Lee’s paper is “Bound to Rise: Chinese Media Discourses on the Global Order.”

Professor Chin-Chuan Lee’s paper, “Chinese Party Publicity Inc. Conglomerated: The Case of the Shenzhen Press Group,” coauthored with Dr Zhou He and Dr Yu Huang (Hong Kong Baptist University), has won the Top Paper Award from the Intercultural and Development Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA). The ICA convention will be held in Dresden, Germany from June 19 to 24, 2006. They will present another paper, “Big City, Small Place: Media and Political Clientelism in Shanghai.” Both papers are part of the larger project supported by the Research Grants Committee of Hong Kong.

CCR Visiting Scholar Huang Dan, professor from Fudan University in Shanghai, will give a lecture from 2 pm to 3:30 pm on March 24 (Friday). The title of this lecture will be “How Do Chinese Media Criticize or ‘Supervise’ the Government: Past and Present?”

Professor Huang Dan of Fudan University is a visiting scholar at the Center in the month of March. He will work with Professor C C Lee toward planning a conference on “Liberalism and the modern Chinese Press”.

Dr Wu Fei and Dr Hu Fengyung gave a talk on 28 February 2006 , entitled “The State as a Primary Stakeholder and ‘Professionalism’ in Russian Media: Implications for China’s Media Reform.” 

Dr Wu Fei and Dr Hu Fengying, both associate professors of journalism at Jinan in Gunagzhou, are CCR’s visiting scholars from 14 February to 14 March. They specialize in Russian media, and their project at the CCR focuses on comparing the role of the media in political transformation in Russia and China. Dr Wu has a PhD from Moscow State University, and Dr Hu obtained her degree from the Moscow College of International Relations.

Dr Huang Dan, professor of journalism at Fudan University in Shanghai, will be CCR’s visiting scholar in the month of March. He is a noted media historian in China.

Professor Yu Guoming, Associate Dean and Director of the Public Opinion Institute at College of Journalism at Remin University, will give a lecture on the problems facing China’s media reform on 20 January 2006.