Center for Communication Research Lecture




How do Chinese Media Criticize and

"Supervise" the Government: Past and Present?

批評與監督: 中國報刊批評的歷史演變和現實困境



Presented by


Professor Huang Dan (黄旦)



Date   : 24 March 2006 (Friday)

Time  :  2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Venue : EN Meeting Room (Y7529), Lift 4, 7/F, Yellow Zone, Academic Building




In as much as party organizations are the only entities in China entitled to exercise the right to "media criticism", it is natural that the practice of media criticism is closely tied to bureaucratic hierarchy, hence resulting in what is generally known as "swatting the flies but not beating the tigers".  In tandem with the rising professional consciousness, the media have been trying various ways to enhance their autonomy in the exercise of "media criticism".  Consequently, "media criticism" is being replaced by such terms as "supervision by public opinion".  Lack of institutional guarantee has, however, made it difficult to implement "supervision by public opinion".  As in the past, the Party has been issuing documents in the hopes that "media criticism" may be conducted, but within the permissible trajectories.


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Professor Huang Dan(黄旦), 復旦大學新聞學院教授,新聞系主任。著作包括《新聞傳播學》、《媒介是誰:對大衆傳媒定位的探尋》、《也論林則徐的新聞觀》、《獨立戰爭前後美國報刊思想之演變》、《新聞專業主義的建構與消解》、《五四前後新聞思想的再認識》。


~ The lecture will be conducted in Putonghua ~

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