About the Center

The Centre for Communication Research was founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science at the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 . The center was initially funded by the University, supplemented with external grants from such sources as the Research Grants Committee of Hong Kong, Google, and the Taipei City Government. The core members are at the forefront of research and publication in International Communication, Media Effects, New Media, Communication for Social Change, and Political Economy of the Media. Closely affiliated with the Department of Media and Communication, the Centre has collaborated with a wide network of interdisciplinary scholars from around the world.

Prof. Yi-Hui Christine Huang joins COM as Chair Professor

In January 2020, the Department of Communication and Media warmly welcomed Professor Yi-Hui Christine Huang as Chair Professor of Communication and Media.  Professor Huang also began service that month as Associate Editor of the Journal of Public Relations Research. The most recent impact factor for the Journal is 2.125; its five-year impact factor is 3.442; and it now ranks 25th out

New Media & Society

Dr. Tetsuro Kobayashi, an associate professor in the Department of Media and Communication at City University of Hong Kong, has recently published a paper in New Media & Society, one of the top journals in Communication. This study qualified the widely shared view that the high-choice nature of social media use leads to political polarization

PhD Student Publishes in Top Journals

Sai Wang, a PhD candidate in the Department of Media and Communication at City University of Hong Kong, has recently published single- and lead-authored articles in top journals. The study published in the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media investigates how the presumed effects of uncivil news comments on other users influence perceivers’ intention to engage in