About the Center

The Centre for Communication Research was founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science at the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 . The center was initially funded by the University, supplemented with external grants from such sources as the Research Grants Committee of Hong Kong, Google, and the Taipei City Government. The core members are at the forefront of research and publication in International Communication, Media Effects, New Media, Communication for Social Change, and Political Economy of the Media. Closely affiliated with the Department of Media and Communication, the Centre has collaborated with a wide network of interdisciplinary scholars from around the world.


香港城市大學媒體與傳播學生憑畢業習作《愛在軌跡》榮獲微電影大賽「港」你的電車故事亞軍。是次微電影大賽由香港青聯學生交流網絡主辦,香港電車贊助。參賽隊伍一共有28隊,全部來自各大專院校的專業製作團隊。 「舊的不去、新的不來」,似乎是不少現代人的生活寫照。物件用舊了,就要換上新的。在《愛在軌跡》中,作者透過兩爺孫乘電車的故事,讓年青人反思「舊=不好」這個概念是否成立?如果人舊了,也該換上新的嗎? 故事開首提到爺爺不惜節省一分一毫,為的是準備孫女的生日禮物。可惜孫女卻忙著拍拖,即使爺爺特意為她打扮;為她準備生日飯、紅雞蛋、禮物,她也無動於衷。及後孫女收到突來的電話, 才得悉爺爺患病了。孫女很著急地跑到爺爺住的劏房,激動地責罵他為何胡亂吃東西而導致生病。此時爺爺默不作聲,然後…… 其實,電車不只是一輛交通工具、一堆零件,更是一種屬於香港人的精神,一種體貼入微的愛。你不一定每天乘搭它,但它卻每天惦記著你的需要。故事中的爺爺亦好比電車,一直默默耕耘,對孫女的愛從一而終,無可取替。 獲獎作品《愛在軌跡》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUyxiFdWESM&feature=share 學生製作團隊: 劉翠芝, 黃錦欣, 劉文媛, 梁霈宜, 魏富陶, 王俏 學生導師: 陳成禮老師  

Winson Peng Joins MSU as Tenured Associate Professor

It’s official that Winson Peng, a 2008 graduate from the department’s Ph.D. program, has become an Associate Professor (with Tenure) in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University (MSU).“Communication at MSU is a world leading program, ranked by QS2015 as No. 6 in Communication and Media Studies,” said Prof. Jonathan Zhu who supervised Peng’s