About the Center

The Centre for Communication Research was founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science at the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 . The center was initially funded by the University, supplemented with external grants from such sources as the Research Grants Committee of Hong Kong, Google, and the Taipei City Government. The core members are at the forefront of research and publication in International Communication, Media Effects, New Media, Communication for Social Change, and Political Economy of the Media. Closely affiliated with the Department of Media and Communication, the Centre has collaborated with a wide network of interdisciplinary scholars from around the world.

The Dean's List in Semester B 2018/19

The following students from Department of Media and Communication have demonstrated outstanding academic performance with SGPA 3.7 or above, earned 12 credits or more, and carry no course failures and reassessment, in a semester of their studies. 2018-19 Semester B Programme Awardees Cohort Department of Media and Communication (options: BA Digital Television and Broadcasting, BA

Retooling Workshop for MACNM Alumni kicked off

The Workshop, officially debuted as “MACNM Computational Workshop”, kicked off on Jan. 5, 2019 and continued on Jan. 6, 12, and 13 in Run Run Shaw Creative Media Center of City University of Hong Kong. Sponsored by the Centre for Communication Research (CCR) and Web Mining Lab of Department of Media and Communication, the Workshop

COM Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

“In ten years, we have grown from a newly established department in 2008 to an academic unit well blended to the world scholarly community.” said Professor Li Xigen, Head of Department of Media and Communication (COM), City University of Hong Kong, at its 10th anniversary celebration on November 3, 2018.  A total of 170 guests