Winners of the Young Mainland Scholars Program Announced

The Department of Media and Communication has announced that 17 young scholars from the Mainland and 1 from Taiwan will be invited to take residence, adding to the list of 113 “alumni” who have previously participated in the program.


They will come to the Department in two batches during Semester B, each for a month.  During their residency these scholars will conduct research projects in collaboration with or under the supervision of COM faculty members.  They will also attend seminars and interact with our Ph.D. students. 

According to Dr. Shen Fei, the coordinator of the Young Scholars from the Mainland program, this year we received 91 applications from 65 universities and research institutions across China.  As the exchange program is nationally so prominent as to attract very keen competition, “we have to make tough choices,” he said.

This program was launched in 2005-06 and has so far hosted 113 scholars, many of whom have become established figures in the field.  


“We have built a very strong network of ties with scholars in China,” said Professor Lee Chin-Chuan, Head of the Department who initiated the Program, “They have been conducive to the Department’s outreach initiatives.”

The 18 scholars to be invited are:

  Name School Department Title
1 闫隽 华中科技大学 新闻与信息传播学院  副教授 
2  龚彦方 中山大学 传播与设计学院 讲师、主任记者
3 赵智敏 郑州大学   新闻与传播学院新闻系 副教授
4 申琦 复旦大学 新闻学院 博士后
5 路鹏程 华东师范大学 传播学院新闻学系 讲师
6 刘晓程  兰州大学 新闻与传播学院 讲师
7 高山冰 南京师范大学  新闻与传播学院  讲师
8 钱进 上海外国语大学 新闻学院 助理研究员
9 刘海龙  中国人民大学 新闻学院 副教授
10 曾秀芹 厦门大学 新闻传播学院广告系 副教授
11 许静 北京大学 新闻与传播学院传播系 副教授
12 陈侠 上海交通大学 人文艺术研究院认知与决策研究中心 助理研究员、讲师
13 卢家银 中国青年政治学院 新闻与传播系 讲师
14 吴世文 武汉大学  新闻与传播学院 讲师
15 滕朋 陕西师范大学 新闻与传播学院 副教授
16 刘兢 华南师范大学 教育信息技术学院新闻与传播学系 副教授
17 张彦武 中国青年报社 评论部 中级新闻职称
18 赖正能   台湾世新大学 公共关系暨广告学系 助理教授