About the Center

The Centre for Communication Research was founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science at the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 . The center was initially funded by the University, supplemented with external grants from such sources as the Research Grants Committee of Hong Kong, Google, and the Taipei City Government. The core members are at the forefront of research and publication in International Communication, Media Effects, New Media, Communication for Social Change, and Political Economy of the Media. Closely affiliated with the Department of Media and Communication, the Centre has collaborated with a wide network of interdisciplinary scholars from around the world.

The CCR2015 Workshop Successfully Concluded

The Department of Media and Communication held the 2015 Workshop on Computational Communication Research (CCR2015) on June 18-20.  Through five intensive sessions, the Workshop introduced a variety of computational methods, tools, and algorithms to more than 50 faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD and Master’s students, and media professionals from the U.S., Europe, Singapore, Bangladesh, Mainland


在近日北京举行的首届“家·春秋”大学生口述历史影像记录计划”颁奖典礼上,香港城市大学媒体与传播系摄制的17集“族印-家庭相册”系列纪录片获得了最佳团队、优秀导师以及最佳口述历史影像记录奖”三项大奖。   “家·春秋”大学生口述历史影像记录计划”由北京永源公益基金会、浙江敦和慈善基金会、中华社会救助基金会“我的历史”公益计划和腾讯文化频道联合发起,面向全国高校学生,征集优秀的口述纪录影像作品参赛。 城市大学媒体与传播系制作的17集系列纪录片“族印-家庭相册”获得了最佳团队大奖,指导教师李宇宏女士获得优秀导师奖,17集系列纪录片中,由媒体与传播系2015硕士生周凤婷同学制作的《东堰桥头60-2号》获得了最佳口述历史影像记录大奖。香港城市大学作品在影像大赛中获得高度评价。评委之一,香港中文大学中国研究服务中心的熊景明老师说,城市大学的作品在参加比赛的作品中专业化最强。国内知名纪录片制作人李伦先生说,很久没有看到这么让人感动的诚意之作。香港中文大学中国服务中心决定收藏《族印-家庭相册》17集纪录短片,表达对该项目的认可。  媒体与传播系“族印-家庭相册”纪录片项目目前已经进行了两年,制作了38集短纪录片。有近50名学生参与了该项目,利用假期拍摄他们的家人讲述他们的家族故事。学生参与项目的过程,也是他们认识、反省、了解自我的过程。此项目因此改变了很多学生的职业生涯和人生道路。我们的目标是在几年内制作100个普通中国人的家庭故事,作为珍贵的中国人家族影像资料留存。媒体与传播系四年前制作的纪录片系列“父辈的文革”,也受到专家的好评和纪录片爱好者的喜爱。    下面是国内相关媒体关于“家·春秋”大学生口述历史影像记录计划”的报道链接。   http://www.icixun.com/2015/0513/4982.html http://news.youth.cn/gn/201505/t20150513_6630253.htm http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/micro-reading/china/2015-05-13/content_13693440.html  

Call for Papers International Conference on Communication/Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals, 17-21 December 2015

An International Conference on the theme of “COMMUNICATION/CULTURE AND THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs). Challenges for a new generation ”, will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 17 to 21 DECEMBER 2015   We call for papers that outline and assess the future challenges for theory and praxis from a number of inter-related and

Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 Affirms COM’s Excellence in Communications and Media Studies

The results of the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014, released on 27 January by the University Grants Committee (UGC), affirm excellence of Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong in world-class research. Nearly two thirds (60%) of the research activities of the Department of Media and Communication have been judged to meet