Professor Lee to Hold ICA's Master Class

Professor Lee Chin-Chuan has been invited to hold a Master Class at the annual convention of the International Communication Association (ICA) on 27 May 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona.  His topic will be “On being an international scholar.”   This will be the second year in which ICA hosts master classes at the conference.  Besides Professor Lee,

New Google Policy Fellow Appointed

The call for this year's Google Policy Fellowship's Asia Chapter attracted over fifty applicants from all over the world. We are very grateful for their keen interest in the program. After carefully evaluating all the applications and interviewing four finalists, the selection panel picked Sonya Song of Michigan State University to be the Google Policy

Faculty Wins Top Paper Award

Professor Lee Chin-Chuan is a coauthor of a paper that wins the 3rd biennual Journal of Language and Social Psychology Best Paper Award. The award will be presented by the International Association of Language and Social Psychology (IALSP) in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands on 20-23 June 2012. The paper is titled, “Media Discourse on Globalization in

Google Policy Fellowship now Open

The Department of Media and Communication (COM) and the Centre for Communication Research (CCR) at City University of Hong Kong will be hosting the second Asia Pacific Chapter of the Google Policy Fellowship in 2012.   The Google Policy Fellowship is a part of Google’s global research initiative in the area of Internet law and