In-house Workshop on Web Mining Kicked Off

An in-house workshop on Web Mining kicked off on April 22 ( Third four people from the Department of Media and Communication participated in the workshop, including 5 faculty members, 20 PhD students, and 9 visiting scholars from mainland China. The 4-day Workshop introduced, on a step-by-step basis, how to collect, preprocess, analyze, and visualize

Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award

Professor Chin-Chuan Lee is the recipient of the 2014 B. Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award, Francois Heinderyckx, President of the International Communication Association (ICA), has announced.   An award ceremony will be held in Seattle on May 24.   “I am humbled by this tremendous honor,” Professor Lee said, “This is the best gift I can give

Prof. Zhu visited Microsoft Research (MSR)

Jonathan Zhu visited MSR, one of the largest software research firms in the world, for a week between 11 and 15 March as an MSR Visiting Researcher. At MSR Asia-Pacific headquarters in Beijing, he spent most of the time working with Dr. Shixia Liu, Dr. Yingcai Wu, and other members of data visualization group on