BDSC2017 Concluded in Lanzhou

The 2017 China National Conference on Big Data and Social Computing (BDSC2017) concluded on Aug 13 in Lanzhou.  The 2-day conference was co-organized by School of Computer Science at Northwestern Normal University, School of Information Science at Renmin University of China, and Centre for Communication Research (CCR) and Web Mining lab at City University of Hong

CCR/WML Co-organizes BDSC2017 in Lanzhou

The 2017 China National Conference on Big Data and Social Computing (BDSC2017) will be held at Nouthwest Normal University (NWNU) in Lanzhou on August 12 and 13, 2017.  The conference is coorganized by College of Computer Science and Engineering at NWNU, School of Information at Renmin University of China (RUC), and Centre for Communication Research (CCR)

Third CityU Summer School Concluded

The Third CityU Summer School in Social Science Research was held at the Department of Media and Communication from June 1-4th, 2017. This year, Dr. Itai Himelboim, Associate Professor at University of Georgia taught a 4-day module titled “Social network analysis of social media – tracking patterns of information flow, emerging communities and influential users.”

CeDEM Asia in Dague, South Korea

After two conferences in Singapore and Hong Kong, CeDEM Asia took place for the third time from 7-9 December 2016 in Daegu. As a forum for exchanging ideas, networking and collaboration in the areas of eDemocracy and Open Government, this year's conference was held in cooperation with DISC (Daegu Gyeongbuk International Social network Conference) and